1999: Foundation of the company
2000: Successful establishment of relationships and cooperation with educational institutions
2000: First consultancy contract: management strategy in the non-profit sector
2001: First risk management projects and creation of methodologies
2001: Beginning of CADCalc® Market software development
2002: Entry to the Slovak market
2003: Validation of the internal model of market risk management on the basis of VaR for Česká spořitelna, a.s. probably the first model of its type in any of the post-communist countries in Central Europe
2003: Organization of the first open seminar on Basel II
2004: Beginning of CADCalc® Credit software development
2004: Beginning of long-term cooperation with ČEZ, a.s.
2004: Beginning of long-term cooperation with Komerční bank, a.s. within the bank’s preparation for a transition to the advanced IRB approach to credit risk according to Basel II
2005: Implementation of CADCalc® Market software in Dexia bank Slovensko, a.s.
2005: Beginning of cooperation with Národná banka Slovenska and Inštitút bankového vzdelávania
2006: Implementation of CADCalc® Credit software in Českomoravská záruční a rozvojová banka, a.s.
2006: First open seminar on Solvency II held in Prague
2007: Entry to the Slovenian market
2007: Validation of the estimation of risk parameters PD, LGD, EAD for Česká spořitelna, a.s.
2008: Development and implementation of Standard Costing software
2009: Steiner & Makovec implementation of SWORM® software for operational risk management
2010: First open seminar on Basel III held in Prague
2011: Creation of the functional specification for automation of COREP reporting for the bank SKB d.d.
2011: Realization of the implementation feasibility study of AMA approach for a major bank
2012: Cooperation on the development of methodology for self-assessment of operational risks for a major bank
2013: Creation of methodology for project risk management
2013: Creation of tool for validation of effectiveness of interest risk hedging for Hypoteční banka, a.s.
2014: The first big projects in the area of analyzing of large amounts of data for large non-financial organizations
2014: Expansion of offer of seminars about Project Risk Management and Fraud Risk Management
2015: Optimization of the Fântânele-Cogealac Wind farm for CEZ
2016: Implementation of CADCalc® Market software at Home Credit International a.s.
2016: Presenting services at the International Engineering Fair in Brno
2017: Development of the ECL Calculator for the calculation of impairments under IFRS 9
2017: Development of a pre-scoring model for client risk assessment
2017: Implementation of the 6th generation of the CADCalc® Market software
2018: Realization of a project for the identification of dependence of defective production on production conditions (Industry 4.0)2019
2018: Development of several scoring models for approval of clients applying for leasing
2019: Developing a rating model for large corporate counterparties for Ezpada, s.r.o.
2019: Cooperation on the development of non-retail rating model for SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana
2020: Implementation of CADCalc
® Market software and additional functionalities for KB Penzijní společnost, a.s.
2020: Modelling of non-maturity deposits for SKB banka d.d. Ljubljana
2021: Assessment of fair value measurement methodologies and calculations (under IFRS 13)
2021: Launch of ESG-related services
2022: Expansion of the CADCalc
® Market software to include the Future Fund Performance Simulation and Asset Liability Behavior Model modules
2022: Start of long-term collaboration on ESG risk management in multiple companies
2023: Collaboration on the development of methodologies for the back-testing of ECL parameters
2023: Expansion of ESG-related services to include ESG Risk Management: Executive Summary, GHG Emissions Measurement and Carbon Footprint Calculation, and ESG Risks and their Audit seminars
2023: Expansion of the CADCalc
® Market software to include the DISIFE23 regulatory report: Banks’ reporting about interest rate risk